
Trip Database Blog

Liberating the literature


June 2011

TRIP’s use in SRs

TRIP is frequently mentioned in systematic reviews as one of the sources searched for relevant studies.  In fact the mentions seems to be accelerating and below are 5 recent examples:

I can’t help feeling we’re doing something right!

20,000 registered users

Quite a milestone, over the weekend we hit 20,000 registered users.

We’re currently adding 1,000 new registered users every 3-4 weeks (this has been consistent over many months).  We’re really pleased with this. However, it does put the onus on TRIP to create an even better product/experience for registrants.

Blitter – update

We’ve had lots of feedback on Blitter, mostly positive but some less so (but constructive).

As such we’ve re-designed it, to emphasise our view that it’s principally a search tool (as opposed to a news service).

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think.

New TRIP product

This isn’t really a proper TRIP product, more an experimental one!

The idea behind Blitter is that it only includes content that an independent clinician has deemed interesting/newsworthy enough to comment about. Most clinical search tools grab all the content from a particular publisher – irrespective of the clinical usefulness of the output. So, we see Blitter as being a bottom up approach to content identification – possibly making it more useful.

In addition we have classified each contributor by their clinical interest allowing users to filter results based on the speciality of the contributor – this is possibly an important development. Why? Take the search term pain, an oncologist searching for pain would typically want significantly different results compared to a rheumatologist or a generalist. Currently TRIP and all other clinical search tools show the same results – meaning lots of ‘noise’. So, allowing users to restrict the results based on speciality should make the results more meaningful.

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