Cochrane is one of the most popular resources in Trip.

Historically we have received automated updates from Wiley with the intention of ensuring we were always up to date with the records. It has come to our attention that there had been some problems with the process and that we were missing a number of key Cochrane reviews.

We have reached out to Wiley to help us resolve these issues.  Unfortunately, this is taking far too long for my liking and so we’re faced with a dilemma:

  • Continue – indefinitely – waiting for Wiley to support Cochrane’s inclusion in Trip = not up to date records of Cochrane.
  • Move to Cochrane’s records on PubMed = up to date records but not as seamless access to full-text as if it were Wiley’s.

I’d welcome peoples views as to which is the better option, please let us know in the vote below: