Mpox (formerly known as Monkeypox) became a WHO designated Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) between 23 July 2022 and 10 May 2023. Using the Carrot2 technology to cluster text (as shown yesterday) we thought it might be interesting to look at cluster pre and post the outbreak. So, we did two searches:

  1. Documents with Mpox or Monkeypox in the title published between 1980-2021. This yielded 104 results.
  2. Documents with Mpox or Monkeypox in the title published between 2022-2024. This yielded 679 results – showing a huge interest in the topic.



Or, looking at the top ten topic areas in a different format:

Small numbers pre-2022 but clear difference in topic areas. And, as an EBM source, nice to see a prominence for including systematic reviews.