Those who use Trip will possibly have noticed small thumbnails to the right of each search result (see image 1 below).  The idea is that they are a small screenshot of the actual page which people can rollover to see a preview of the actual result  They are problematic as it’s currently broken so we only have screenshots for around half of them.  Also, they are moderately resource intensive.

So, we need to decide to fix them or remove them or replace them with something else – hence this post.

One idea I’ve got is to use the space to give additional information to users to help them understand the evidence they’re looking at.  For instance, we could use it to give a clearer idea of the likely strength of evidence.  We currently do this via the use of colour flashes but unfortunately many people miss this.  The colour flashes link the individual article to the colours used in the filter section (so green indicates higher quality evidence etc.).  Below are some images that are an attempt to show what it might look like.  I’d appreciate you looking at them (click on the image to enlarge it) and then go to this survey to let us know what you think.  There are only 4 questions so it shouldn’t take long.

Thank you in advance.