In little over 24 hours we’ve made some significant changes to the combat injuries filter. We’ve increased the yield of higher-quality articles from 2,000 to nearly 4,000. In conversation with people it’s become apparent that simply pointing to a large number of results isn’t great – as it suggests the user will have to browse the articles. In actual fact, they are more likely to have a clinical question.

So, we’re going to try to create an evidence table, pre-loaded with possible questions. As with the previous post, this table should be added to as and when people reach out. If you have suggestions, please send them to And, to be clear, we’re not experts in this domain, hence being very open to help.

TopicCombat setting (higher-quality evidence)Combat setting (all evidence)Any setting (higher-quality evidence)Any setting (all evidence)
Amputation121 results965 results1,613 results13,515 results
Antibiotics504 results4,100 results11,793 results148,176 results
Anxiety702 results2,628 results12,273 results87,007 results
Bullet wounds65 results522 results65 results522 results
Burns572 results2,719 results4,005 results28,571 results
Compartment syndrome174 results963 results947 results14,125 results
First aid93 results266 results402 results1,752 results
PTSD611 results2,979 results3,123 results17,085 results
Tranexamic acid42 results111 results696 results3,226 results
Venous thromboembolism164 results464 results3,192 results14,389 results

Thanks to Tom for highlighting refugee health. The following do not have any combat setting filter, they’re just total topic results:

TopicHigher-quality evidenceAll evidence
PTSD refugees207 results565 results
Refugee health648 results2,782 results
Refugee mental health455 results1,292 results
Unaccompanied minor refugees36 results92 results

Kate has highlighted the wonderful Evidence Aid. They have a number of pertinent evidence collections, including Health of refugees and asylum seekers.

Again, any suggestions via